Jumat, 29 April 2011

Breast Implant

breast implant

prosthesis to enlarge the size of a woman's breasts for cosmetic
or reconstruction reasons is called a breast implant. It is also known as breast augmentation.
This is the third most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States.
In 2005, 291 000 breast procedures are performed.

There are two types of breast implants.

1 Saline-filled implants: they have a silicone
elastomer shell filled with sterile saline liquid.

2 Silicone gel-filled implants: the
silicone shell filled with viscous silicone gel.


from 1895 Implantation is going to increase the size and
The shape of female breasts. first attempt was made ​​Czerny. Then
Berson and Maliniac performed by turning the flap based on the increase
Berson and Maliniac performed by turning the flap based on the increase ...

origin used in breast implants:

Patient characteristics:

1 junior

2 Women who have breast fed their children

3 higher socio economic status

4 greater distress about their appearance

5 Endured more teasing about their appearance.

6 low self-esteem

types of breast implant:

1 Saline Implants:

They were introduced by Arion in France in 1964.

2 Silicone gel implants:

Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow, plastic surgeons have developed
breastprosthesis first silicon with Dow Corning Corporation in 1961.
The first woman was implanted in 1962.

Silicone implant generation:

silicone breast implants are best described in five generations. We
discuss common characteristics of manufacturing techniques.

1 first generation

Cronin-Gerow implants were made ​​of silicone rubber envelope
filled with thick viscous silicone gel with a Dacron patch on
rear shell. They had a "tear", the anatomical shape and be strong.

2 Second generation:

breast implants were redesigned with a thinner gel and thinner shells
in the 1970's. There is also the development of polyurethane foam
coating which was effective in reducing the contracture capsule
causing an inflammatory reaction that discouraged the creation of fibrous
tissue capsule. The second-generation implants also included
various "double lumen" designs.

3 third and fourth generation

the principle of third
generation of the elastomer-coated to reduce the gel
bleeding, and fulfilled
thicker, more cohesive gel. gel filler reduces leakage
gel compared to earlier devices. Anatomic
shaped implants are uniformly textured to reduce rotation, while the circle
devices are available in smooth or textured surface.

4 Fifth Generation:

In the United States in the preliminary stages
form stable implants were "gummy bear-" or high-cohesive. When there
a high degree of cohesion of the gel will significantly reduce
the possibility of silicone migration.

breast implant technology:

There are many types of implant techniques such as

O Inframammary.

O Periareolar.

O Transaxillary.

O Transumbilical.

O Transabdominoplasty.

breast implant pocket placement:

implant is described in relation to the pectoralis
major muscle.

O Subglandular

O Subfascial

O Subpectoral

O Submuscular


There are always deductions whenever
surgery done. Some of the risk of breast implant surgery are:

on postoperative bleeding

A fluid collection

A surgical site infections

O chest pain

on the change in nipple sensation

O jamming breastfeeding

of visible wrinkles

O Asymmetric appearance

A wound dehiscence

A thinning of the breast tissue

O Synmastia

There are some very common reasons to ask for a re-om
after breast implantation was done

1 rupture

A saline implant rupture

of silicone implants rupture

A capsule contracture

A systematic review of claims of systemic disease

A platinum

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